Thursday, November 13, 2008

Money Flying Out Of The Wallet......

Gas is cheaper here, $1.99/gal vs $4.00/gal just a few short months ago AND I still can't keep any money in my wallet.

Of course, now that I can afford gas, it's the other things taking my cash.

In our family, the saying is that good or bad, things come in 3's....(I wonder though, if you get to 4, are you starting all over again?) So, Nov is not even half over & we've had some MAJOR money drains happening in our household.

Lindsi's CI insurance was due on Nov 1. That's an expected bill, but, it is still about $700...ouch....3 days later (not Even enough time for them to CASH the check), her angled battery pack cracked. This is the part that goes behind the ear. She uses this particular one all of the time because it works with her FM at school (which isn't currently working, but that is another story). So, after talking to the insurance company, which would cover it, but take away from our chance to use a future claim on the REALLY EXPENSIVE (processor) part of her CI, I decided to suck it up & buy a new angled battery pack. $265.......That would have been ok....BUT...

3 days later, my car wouldn't start. Looked like the starter was shot...OH No!! How much do they cost?? Ended up being a bad battery...Oh THANK YOU!!!!!

Then my computer was really not running well. I work from home, on my computer, so I absolutely NEED a working computer. Hard drive crash.......Sigh.....
So, now I have a newer refurb computer. After the holidays, I'll have the old one repaired & the girls can use it for their games.

However, while the money was flying out of my wallet, the Toothfairy made 2 visits to our house. Lindsi loses her teeth in pairs. In Feb she lost her 1st & 2nd tooth & last week she lost the next 2 bottom teeth within 24 hrs of each other. Her top 2 teeth are loose, so they'll be coming out together around Christmas maybe. I hope that means they'll come in straight. So far, so good with the teeth.

And just because I have to put a cute one of Jami in is Jami & one of her favorite ASL signs.....can you guess what it is



ourchinagirls said...

Ouch!! I hear you Debby! Just when I start thinking that our vacation fund might have some money in it.....POOF! Something in the house breaks or another bill appears!

The girl's are looking so cute! Big hugs from KS where the wind is whipping down the plain....with possible snow in the forcast!

Jenna said...

I have so been there too! It seems like when it rains, it pours! It doesn't help that the entire economy is in shambles, so there is very little confidence in holding on to any money. Good luck getting things under control.