Do you know what this is?....I'll give you 3 Guesses.....
I've always tried to teach my girls since they were very, very young, that scissors are for cutting paper..not for cutting hair. And, a lot of times when we have our scissors out, I remind my girls of that fact. But, the Gods of the universe decided that I could not possibly raise two such girly girls without experiencing THE HAIRCUT at least once. Here is our story......
Last night at about 10:30 (WHERE is that Super Nanny when you need her???) the girls came sneaking out of their rooms, into the living room where I was sitting....What are you doing out of bed? I asked.....then, Wait! Jami, is your hair different..? OMG!! Did you guys CUT! her hair?....And the answer was a quick dash back into their rooms.
I waited a few minutes, wondering if I REALLY wanted a closer look. I decided that I would rather live in denial, but I knew the scissors were still in the room & I had to get those. So, while I was deciding what to do next, Jami crept back into the living room. I called her over for a closer look. Hmmmmm....actually looks quite professional (for a 6 yr old!!!), not your average hack job. Not exactly even....definitely the work of the older sister.
The Evidence...front & back
Me: what happened to your hair?
Jami: I cut it....... Just a little bit
Me: What little bit? She points to a now absent lock in the front.
Me: What about the rest of it?
Jami: I don't know....
Me: Are you sure you don't know?
Jami: Lindsi did it.
I sent her back to bed. I walked into Lindsi's room. Before I even say one word...Lindsi is saying "I not do it....I not do it"....such a little truth avoider.
Try again Lindsi......& by the way, hand over the scissors.......& where is the hair....
She scoots out of bed, reaches under her bed & sheepishly hands over the scissors & Jami's hair, which she has already bagged up for me to keep. Such a conscientious hair dresser. I will admit that was a typically sweet Lindsi gesture, bagging up the hair for me to keep.
I'd like to think that Jami, being my more adventurous child, cut her hair. Then went into Lindsi to show her. Lindsi either tried to "fix" it or maybe got caught up in the game of cutting hair, I'm not sure.
I'm trying to look on the bright will grow back, right? Sure, the daughter who has the very thick, luxurious locks that grows 1/2 every few weeks..she still has hair. The daughter with the thin, silky fine hair that only grows about an inch a year.....well, let's just say we are probably a year from being able to do pony tails again.
At least they aren't flower girls in a wedding tomorrow like my friend, Sandra's daughters are......
At least they didn't hack it off all the way to the scalp. I think it is actually salvageable....
The salvaged hairdo....I did it myself because I just knew that anyone who wanted to really FIX it, would just cut it even shorter. I'd rather have a razored uneven look, than it shorter.
Although, I must admit, there is a little tear in my eye because I would have never ever cut it that short on my own....
OMG!!! Debby, I think that ZoraLin and Kendalan are Lindsi and Jami's twins separated at birth!! How hilarious!! Yepper, same story, different house!!! TeeHee!! We have GOT to get these girly girls together sometime soon!!!
Girl ! I have BEEN there ! And yes, it makes you cry ! My daughter did it like all over, luckily her sister is a hairdresser and gave her her first big girl haircut !
Charlotte and crew
Oh my! I laughed so hard, especially at Lindsi bagging up the hair and "saving" it for you under the bed. I have one of those kids with the thin, slow-growing locks, so I feel your pain. (But she hasn't cut her hair- yet!)
Amy B.
Let me just be the first to say...........Jami with short hair is ADORABLE!! I really think that that is her look! Even Uncle John liked it a lot! She is such a litte pixie, she needs the short bob hair.....let Lindsi have the long hair, let Jami revel in her shortness!
Love,Aunt Pam
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