We had a really great day yesterday. It was Wednesday, which is my day off.
First, L & I took J to her little Parents Morning Out program. Since it is over at the BIG Methodist Church, we call it "Church School".
Then I got my yard mowed & my garden weeded...two big projects knocked off of my To Do list. (thanks Dad, for the help)....
We went to Speech & then spent the rest of the afternoon at Wild Waters. We have a season pass, but it was our first time. We spent it mostly in the kid area. Neither of my girls can be described as thrill seekers & they did not want to try the bigger slides. I think I could talk my oldest into going down with me, but that is not allowed. And anyways, when I'm by myself, I don't have anyone to leave J with, so I guess it is just as well. They really liked the Wave Pool. J had a huge grin at the end & declared "That was FUNTASTIC!!"
Although, I hope they grow out of the current stage, because I love all the fast stuff, water slides, roller coasters.......ect...
I have to add that I was EXTREMELY IMPRESSED with the life guards. It was a slow day there...& in the children's area I would say there were about 15 children playing. The water is about waist deep for Jami, & since she doesn't swim, I stayed with her. But, I noticed only two other mothers in the water with kids...the rest of the moms were settled back in lounges with books & magazines.
There were probably 7(!!) life guards in this area & each patrolled a section. They did not stop moving....they were constantly checking around the play area, in the play tubes, ect.....I really believe no child could drown in that area with that much hyper vigilence. They were super concentrated on their duties.
My sister & her kids are coming up for the weekend....I think I see Chuck E Cheese in our future for tomorrow. That may be fun for the kids....much less fun for me...lol....
We got out the easel & did painting outside today. I'll have to take some artwork photos to share.....=)
We plan to be back at Wild Waters in a few weeks, & next time, I'll take the camera.
We are starting to check items off of our big Summer To Do List. Yesterday was the last day of school & they had a very nice graduation for the Kindergartners.
(Note to self...get there earlier when J graduates...=) It was CROWDED!
The little "graduates" came into the cafeteria wearing their caps & gowns. I was actually surprised when a little lump formed in my throat at seeing L all dressed up like that. As soon as she spotted us, she had a big smile.
There were 6 classes of K this year. L's friend goes to a school in O town with 14 K classes!!!! Anyways, they did 2 songs as a group, then one at a time, each class took to the stage where they sang one song (L's class sang "I still can't spell Hippopotamus") & were presented individually their certificates....posed for pictures & then walked off stage. Each class had one reader who read a part of a K poem. It was cute & I was very impressed with how well the "readers" did. No one seemed to be nervous at all.
They they showed a slide show of the kids from the first day of school, through the seasons, field trips, special school events, all the way through last weeks Water Day. It was very nice, set to cute friendship music. Then they sang 2 more songs.
L got the award for the highest AR reader in her class. Yea!!
Pictures are coming.....=)
Today, the girls slept in. We've made cookies & I promised them fruit smoothies this afternoon. L is is stringing bead bracelets & J is either helping or still doing puzzles......not sure.
Our summer has started!